Don’t Trust Your Doctor

Don’t Trust Your Doctor

A lot of us turn to our health professionals when we have questions about diet and exercise. For example, your doctor might have told you before not to eat more than 1 egg a day because of your cholesterol. As we hopefully all know by now, that claim about 1 egg a day is complete BS. Even the US Government finally revised their guideline.

Now the problem is, health care professionals are not focused on prevention. Their focus during their studies is on how to diagnose and then cure diseases, not how to prevent them. Nutrition is also just a very minor part of the curriculum.

And when you think about it, sadly it makes sense. Health care is a huge and lucrative business. If doctors told everyone how not to get sick, they’d all go out of business. It is not even in their interest to cure you completely. Their interest is in getting you healthy enough again so you can come back in a couple of months or years.

Maybe your local doctor is actually a great guy with strong moral compass and he really has your interest in mind. Then what about the pharma companies making the drugs you take? If they could give you a pill that cured you in a short period of time and you’d be perfectly cured without any rebounds they’d lose a paying customer. The only option to compensate for that is to increase the price for that pill so much that no one can afford it anymore but that’s not really possible.


So long story short, ask yourself

  1. what does the person giving me advice right now actually know about that topic
  2. what is their agenda
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